Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday night...


The turkey is soaking in the brine! Quite frankly, it wasn't that big of a deal. Some chicken stock, salt, orange peel, pepper corn, bay leaves, candied ginger and apple juice and you've got yourself a brine. Looked a bit like wassil to me, but hey, what do I know? During the prep, Randy handed me an orange and asked me to slice it up. I said, "Will you please hand me my cutting board?" Okay, so it was more like, "Give me my cutting board," but let's not squabble over a few words. He looked at me and said, "YOUR cutting board????" My fabulous and wonderful husband just had a bit of an attitude and I'm not sure I like it...

9:30 pm

The yams are on to boil. These were not that big of a deal either. You wash them and put them in a pot. So far, no rocket science. Don't know about you, but I like my yams with tons of butter, brown sugar, marshmallows and walnuts. Yum. Can't wait for tomorrow!

10:00 pm

The yams are off the stove and cooling. Apparently, I can boil yams. If I can do this, I can accomplish anything...


As a good night gift to you all, I present a very appropriate video for you to watch. Click here to watch one of my favorite Mr. Bean skits. Although it takes place on Christmas, watch the whole thing and you'll see why it is relevant to my Thanksgiving plight... Enjoy! I'll see you all bright and early in the morning! First thing? Rolls, pies and then the turkey goes in... Stay tuned...

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