Here's the Good: It all came together at the same time. I was really worried about this, but it just happened. There are no left over mashed potatoes which is good because a: They were good and b: left over mashed potatoes are really yucky. There were lots of other left overs. Rachel was not able to come for dinner, but will be here in the next day or two and will take multiple containers of leftovers home with her. This is good because a: I'll know she is eating right and b: I won't have to store it anymore. (Don't worry Rachel, I put lots of marshmallows on the yams... You'll love them!)
The Bad: The rolls were just awful. This was disappointing because I have made them before and they've always turned out just fine. They are now resting comfortably in the trash.
The Ugly: What was ugly? The dang turkey was ugly. Stupid, stupid, stupid bird! Without a reliable thermometer, Mr. Wonderful(ly delusional) decided that it was probably done. People, focus on the word 'probably'. Not knowing any better, I pulled out the turkey! We let it rest for a bit and then he started carving. I kept saying, "It still looks a bit pink to me." Emma kept freaking out. Randy kept carving. Cove was in the living room watching football, blissfully unaware of what was going on in the kitchen. We're still not sure if it was done. All I know is that he got about half way through the first breast and he said, "Hmmm... What I've cut is okay, but I think I'll put the rest back in the oven." Fabulous. Not exactly the words you want to hear when you've slaved over the stupid thing! So while we had huge bowls of yams, stuffing, potatoes, salad etc., there were about 5 slices of turkey on a plate. I was tired, cranky and a bit ticked off at the dead bird for not cooking like it should have. They really should make more cooperative birds. We sat down and ate the 5 slices of "we're not quite sure if it's done" turkey.
If I start to throw up, I'm going to be really, really, really mad.
ohhh dear.... but you will make it good next year mom.... don't worry... they don't say it just like that... that practise makes man perfect