Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Thanksgiving to remember!

This Thanksgiving won't be forgotten any time soon. There were mixed feelings - It was the first time in 6 years that Cove was home - and Rachel was not. There was good food, and bad food. In years past it has always been good food because we've spent many, many Thanksgivings with the Robinson family. Not to be with them this year was very strange. I have such an appreciation for the women of that family! Thank you for feeding me for so many years! It's so much harder than it looks! (Can we please come next year?!)

Working under the direction of Mr. Fabulously Wonderful was fun. He's a pain in the backside when he's being bossy, but it was fun to have him near so I could kiss him when I wanted to. (My kids are now thoroughly grossed out! Eh, get over it!)

Thanks to my family for letting me scratch this off my bucket list. I've done it, and don't want to do it again. I'd rather have Kraft Mac n Cheese than go through this again!

Cooking a big meal like this was HARD! The good news is that I truly believe that my family does not want a repeat and I am completely fine with that! Honey, there was a reason I stepped out of the kitchen so many years ago. You're so much better! I bow down to your superior cooking knowledge and hereby hand the spatula back to you...


  1. loved this post a lot... and totally agree with the last line

  2. I loved your blog, you are hilarious, even if you can't cook! love you tons. Start another funny blog ok?
