Thursday, November 25, 2010

Houston, we have a problem!

Oh dear. So what does one do when your thermometer seems to be broken? The turkey has been in there for four hours and is registering at barely 130 degrees. It's a lovely brown too. By the time the stupid thing is done, it's gonna be dark brown. Have I mentioned how much I hate to cook?

The yams and stuffing are ready to go into the oven, the potatoes are on the stove, the rolls and pies are done and the stupid turkey is getting sunburned. :( The only other thing on the menu is pomegranate salad. It's is a family tradition in Randy's family. You mix bananas, apples and pomegranate seeds together with whipped cream. It's fabulous! We don't consider it Thanksgiving unless we have pomegranate salad. I must send a shout out to Aunt Margaret for the pomegranates! You rock!

Okay, back to the problem at hand. The stinking turkey. I just pulled it out and the ends are really, really tan. (Translation: pretty much burned) I may have to take a picture now because by the time it's done, it will be a lovely black. I hate this.

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