Thursday, November 25, 2010

The turkey is in the oven!

If anyone can explain to me why my little family needed a 19 lb turkey, I'd be grateful. The enormous bird is now in the oven. Yes, I pulled the neck out of the main cavity and the little bag of goodies out of the turkey's bum. Then I stuffed both areas with apples, oranges, onions and sage, basted it with sage butter and salt, covered it in foil and hauled it's huge backside to the oven. And there it will remain for a number of hours. I need to finish up the yams and make the mashed potatoes. Then Randy is going to make me prepare this cranberry stuff that no one in our family has ever eaten but him and yet he insists on making massive quantities of the stuff every year. This may be the line in the sand for me...

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